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Wandering around Jewish music

sun 21 jul 2024 17:00 hrs

With music from the Middle East, Yemen and Bukhara (Uzbekistan), the Yiddish Blues from Prague and songs by Mariejan van Oort & Jacques Verheijen. Produced by Cobie Ivens.

Music by the Eastern Jews from North Africa, Yemen and Bukhara, published by the Arc Music label.
They are authentic field recordings made in 1957 by ethnomusicologist Deben Bhattacharya, featuring music of Jewish people from the Middle East, Yemen and Bukhara (Uzbekistan), played on ethnic instruments.

CD. Music of the Oriental Jews from North Africa, Yemen & Bukhara. LABEL: Arc Music (2000), code: EUCD 1600.
GENRE: Klezmer / Jewish / Ladino.

Prague Klezmerim.
The word Klezmer means the ability of every person to express themselves through song. The group Prague Klezmerim expresses the viability and perhaps also the indestructibility of this music. Spiritual values ​​have persisted in humans, despite generational differences. They all feel klezmer in the true sense of the word, with their musical creation a source of joy for each of them.
CD. Yiddish blues – Prague Klezmerim.
LABEL: Arta (2009), code: F 10163.
GENRE: Klezmer / Jewish / Ladino, Czech republic. VIDEO

Mariejan van Oort & Jacques Verheijen.
Mayn Fayfele (my whistle) is a CD entirely dedicated to the Polish-Jewish folk poet and composer Mordechaj Gebirtig. Based on his songs, poems and texts, we sketch a portrait of a special person.
Jacques Verheijen passed away in 2018. Sheet music for all CDs is still available. You can find information about this on the website of his son, Joris Verheijen.
CD. Mayn fayfele : Songs of Gebirtig van Mariejan van Oort & Jacques Verheijen. LABEL: Icub4t (2004), code: CUP 8027.
GENRE: Eastern Europe, Poland, Klezmer / Jewish / Ladino, Dutch product. VIDEO

Producer: Cobie Ivens

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