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Thou singest ye carol

 A hundred years of Aafje Heynis


Aafje Heynis

100 years

2 May 1924 –  16 December 2015


This month she would have turned a hundred years old, but sadly she passed away in 2015. Aafje Heynis, who was born 100 years ago in the Friesian town of Krommenie, had an international career, but was also deeply rooted in Dutch soil.

Many recordings of her have been preserved, and even long after her passing, CDs with her voice continued to be released. However, with the emergence of numerous other talented voices producing remarkable recordings, the voices we once cherished are gradually fading into the background. The Concertzender, on the occasion of her 100th birthday, aims to reintroduce the true alto Aafje Heynis. Not with oratorios, for which she gained great renown, but with songs. These songs are featured on a CD included at the back of the booklet ‘Aafje Heynis – Priesteres in haar vak,’ published in 2008.


  1. Robert Franz – ‘Gute Nacht’ (von Eichendorff) op.5/7   Alto Aafje Heynis and Felix de Nobel on piano.
  2. Robert Franz – ‘Auf dem Meere’ op.11/5 (Heine) Alto Aafje Heynis and Felix de Nobel on piano.
  3. Peter Cornelius – a. ‘Wiegenlied’ (Cornelius) b. ‘Nachts’ op.1/5 (Cornelius)  Franz Schubert – ‘Bertha’s Lied in der Nacht’D653 (Grillparzer)                                            Modest Mussorgski –  a. ‘Berceuse du Paysan’ (Otrovski-vert. Calvocoressi)            b. ‘la Tombe’ (Plesjev- vert. Calvocoressi).                                                                Alto Aafje Heynis and Felix de Nobel on piano.
  4. Alphons Diepenbrock – a. ‘Meinacht’ (Hélène Swarth) b. ‘Receuillement’ (Beuadelaire) c. ‘Les Chats’(Beaudelaire) d. ‘L’invitation au voyage’ (Beaudelaire).  Alto Aafje Heynis and Felix de Nobel on piano.
  5. Folk songs arrangened by Felix de Nobel : a. ‘Gardez piti milatte la’ b. ‘Gue gue solingaie’ c. ‘Lavender’s Blue’ d. ‘De boer had maar enen schoen’ …… ‘O Cab Ye Sew Cushions’. Alto Aafje Heynis and Felix de Nobel on piano.



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