sun 26 mar 2023 11:00 hrs
Composers: Annelies van Parys | Henriëtte Bosmans | Hildegard von Bingen | Ig Henneman | Lili Boulanger | Nadia Boulanger
Female Composers (part 2)
Unlimited Livability
In the previous episode of “Die Sanck een Liedt,” we took great strides through music history and played songs from Hildegard von Bingen to Henriëtte Bosmans. Women who, despite opposition, were able to put their musical thoughts on paper.
Female artists who stand for their ideals are a great source of inspiration for soprano Bauwien van der Meer. Now, listen to a new album “La Lumière,” inspired by Lili Boulanger. “If you didn’t know you had a soul, you know it now.”
- Ig Henneman (1945-) – ‘Proof of Nothing’ (Ingeborg Bachmann) a. ‘Proof of Nothing’; b. ‘Behind the Wall’; c. ‘Flow’ Soprano Bauwien van der Meer, Gerrie Meijers on organ, Doriene Marseije on harp and the Helikon Quartet.
- Annelies van Parys (1975-) – ‘Medea’ (Gaea Schoeters) Soprano Bauwien van der Meer, Gerrie Meijers on organ, and the Helikon Quartet.
- Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) – ‘Pie Jesu’ Soprano Bauwien van der Meer, Gerrie Meijers on organ, Doriene Marseije on harp and the Helikon Quartet.
- Monique Krüs (1959-) – ‘I live, I die’ (Louise Labé) a. ‘As long as my eyes will be able to’; b. ‘Kiss me again’; c. ‘I live, I die’ Soprano Bauwien van der Meer, Gerrie Meijers on organ, Doriene Marseije on harp and the Helikon Quartet.
- Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979) a. ‘Listen to the sweet song’ (text by Paul Verlaine) Soprano Nicole Cabell and Lucy Mauro on piano. b. from: ‘Three Pieces for Cello and Piano’ no.2 ‘Without speed and at ease’ Isang Enders on cello and Sunwook Kim on piano.

Jean Marcel Poussard: Ritratto di Lili e Nadia Boulanger (1920) /