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wed 22 jan 2025 20:00 hrs
Composer: Klaus Lang

The British-German composer Eden Lonsdale

Eden Lonsdale has become a trend-setting composer in no-time at all, at just 28-years of age. His oeuvre is growing steadily, with on average twelve new works each year. His hypnotising, meditative music slowly unfolds into a subtle play of melodies and timbres, constantly a balancing-act between repose and movement. You can clearly hear the influences of post-minimalism and microtonal music, but also of Renaissance music in his compositions.

Lonsdale, a cellist originally, studied with like-minded composers like Klaus Lang and Cassandra Miller. He conducts the Red Panel ensemble and concentrated on his development as a composer these last couple of years. Lasting often more than twenty minutes, his compositions take the listener on an inward journey. He released two wonderful albums in 2023, one is a double CD with top British label Another Timbre.

In this episode, some highlights from recently recorded works, like the 40-minute Constellations, performed by the Dutch ensemble ‘Oerknal’. This ambitious work premiered at the Gaudeamus Festival in Utrecht in 2023.


Eden Lonsdale:

  1. Aurora (2022), for cello
    On: Eden Lonsdale – Dawnings
    Anton Lukoszevieze (cello)
    Another Timbre at 228×2 CD
  2. Dawnings (2022), for clarinet and piano
    On: Eden Lonsdale – Dawnings
    Members Apartment House: Heather Roche (clarinet) and Kerry Yong (piano)
    Another Timbre at 228×2 CD
  3. Cycles/Emptiness (2019), for harp, harmonium and cello
    On: Eden Lonsdale – Ricercari for Rainy Days
    Red Panel members: Cara Dawson (harp), Forest Moody (harmonium) and Eden Lonsdale (cello). Sawyer Editions SE027 CD
  4. Constellations (2023), for ensemble
    On: Eden Lonsdale – Dawnings
    Oerknal ensemble conducted by Hardy Li
    Another Timbre at 228×2 CD


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