The String Quartet | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The String Quartet

sun 2 jan 2022 12:00 hrs

Presented by Leo Samama.

Othmar Schoeck (1886-1957) – Second String quartet, in C major, opus 37 (1923)

  1. Scherzo, 4. Lento, 5. Presto

Performers: Minguet Quartet


Franz Schmidt (1874-1939) – String quartet in A major (1925)

  1. Anmutig bewegt, 2. Adagio, 3. Scherzo, Sehr lebhaft, 4. Ruhig fliessend

Performers: Franz Schubert Quartett

CD: Nimbus

The Second string quartet by Schoeck is equally playful as it is contemporary. Even though Schoeck chose tonal music over atonal music and expressionism wasn’t really his cup of tea.

The opus magnum of this episode is Franz Schmidt’s First string quartet in A major. Similar to the quartet in G major, which he finished four years later, this composition matches the big nineteenth century tradition of Beethoven, Brahms and Bruckner. With widely spaced-out structures and grand dramatic arcs of tension. This is the music that dreams of a past which was already gone.

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