03:01 Missa L'homme armé
Cristóbal de Morales
Alistair Dixon (dirigent), Chapelle du Roi |
03:42 Il scolaro, 1645 ; Sel.
Gasparo Zanetti
Ensemble Braccio |
03:45 Il matacino – Zoppa
Ensemble Braccio |
03:47 Laura soave
Ensemble Braccio |
03:53 Passo, e mezzo – saltarello – represa
Ensemble Braccio |
03:58 Intrata, balletto & gagliarda del Marchese di Caravazzo
Ensemble Braccio |
04:02 Saltarello di miser Ricardo
Ensemble Braccio |
04:03 Saltarello detto l'imperiale
Ensemble Braccio |
04:03 Saltarello della frascada
Ensemble Braccio |
04:05 Saltarello detto il lomazzo
Ensemble Braccio |
04:05 Saltarello detto fior di lino
Ensemble Braccio |
04:06 Saltarello detto il barone
Ensemble Braccio |
04:07 Psalm 137
Passamezzo |
04:09 The Lord's prayer
Richard Allison
Passamezzo |
04:11 London's lottery
Passamezzo |
04:14 We be three poor mariners/Row well ye mariners
Passamezzo |
04:17 The lamentation
Richard Allison
Passamezzo |
04:20 The most cruel murther of Edward the fifth
Passamezzo |
04:25 Rogero
Passamezzo |
04:27 A lamentable ditty on the death of the Lord Guildford Dudley
Passamezzo |
04:29 Psalm 122, 'I did in heart rejoice'
Richard Allison
Passamezzo |
04:31 The first booke of songes nr.1-21, 1597 ; Sleep, wayward thoughts
John Dowland
Passamezzo |
04:35 The shepherds joy
Passamezzo |
04:38 Sonates voor violen (2-3), gamba en b.c., op.2, nr.1-10, 'Harmonia parnassia' ; Sonate in F
Carel Hacquart
Jolianne von Einem (viool), Nanneke Schaap (gamba), Trio Sonnerie |
04:46 Sonate voor viool en b.c. nr.12, 'Speelstuk', 1683
David Petersen
Rare Fruits Council |
04:57 Suite voor gamba en b.c., op.3, nr.8 in e kl.t.
Carel Hacquart
Guido Balestracci (gamba), Nicola Dal Maso (viool), Rafael Bonavita (luit), Massimiliano Raschietti |
05:12 Suite voor toetsinstrument BuxWV.226 in C gr.t.
Dietrich Buxtehude
Céline Frisch (klavecimbel) |
05:16 Sonate voor viool en b.c.
Ulrich Johann Voigt
Antoinette Lohmann (viool), Furor Musicus |
05:33 Sonate voor gamba's (2), op.8, nr.1 in b kl.t., 'Le nymphe di Rheno'
Johannes Schenck
Les Voix Humaines |
05:48 Bacchus, Ceres en Venus
Johannes Schenck
Louis Peter Grijp (dirigent), Camerata Trajectina |