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The Night: Contemporary Music

thu 21 oct 2021 02:00 hrs

Contemporary Music Night #82 – Wandelweiser # 34.
The Eightiesecond two-weekly Contemporary Music Night on Concertzender with tonight Episode Thirty-Five, the last of a long series with all the published records of the Edition Wandelweiser label in chronological order from 1996 till now.

   Pierre Gerard

1. Pierre Gerard. Imprévu Visible Inversé. Part h-m. 21:11
Susanne Gerard: sound knife in the sand. Pierre Gerard: abstract voice, guitars, violin, electronics, field recordings.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2009
   Sergio Cote Barco

2. Sergio Cote Barco. Pink Noise(s) in Prime Numbers: 1-2. 1:10:17
Sergio Cote Barco: electronics.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2010
 Sergio Merce

En Lugar de Pensar.
3. Sergio Merce. Forma Circular. 31:38
4. Sergio Merce. Forma Continua. 14:13
Sergio Merce: microtonal sax, synthesizer, ewi.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2011
   Max Bober

5. Max Bober. Duo Moleskine 4. 3:39
Alejandro Peña Gutiérrez: piano.
6. Max Bober. Somos – Trio 2. 11:23
Alejandrina Vázquez: soprano. Francisco Rojas: flute. Alejandro Peña Gutiérrez: piano.
7. Max Bober. Duo Moleskine 3. 11:33
Alejandro Peña Gutiérrez: piano.
8. Max Bober. Somos – Trio 1. 9:45
Natalia Jarosiewicz: soprano. Clara Peláez Hidalgo: flute. Alejandro Peña Gutiérrez: piano.
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2012
   Hannes Lingens

9. Hannes Lingens. Triptych (2017) Part 1-3. 22:24
Ensemble CoÔ: Patricia Bosshard: violin. Cyprien Busolini, Élodie Gaudet: viola. Félicie Bazelaire, Benjamin Duboc, Fédéric Marty: double bass.
10. Hannes Lingens. Methods & Materials (2018). 21:19
11. Hannes Lingens. Solo for String Instrument (2012). 10:28
Félicie Bazelaire: double bass, cello
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2101
   Aaron Foster Vreilyn. Luke Martin

12. Aaron Foster Vreilyn / Luke Martin. Recursive Retent (2016) 1-5. 60:14
Aaron Foster Vreilyn, Luke Martin: piano
CD: Edition Wandelweiser Records EWR 2102
All further information can be found on

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