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The Night: Classical

sun 24 jan 2021 04:00 hrs

Recent CD releases.

Works of Marland [see photo], Bolcom, MacMillan & Glass.

04:00 1. Steve Martland [see photo]. Tiger Dancing.
2. John Tavener. Songs of the Sky.
Britten Sinfonia. With: Charles Daniels, tenor.

04:40  William Bolcom. Frescoes, version for 2 pianos
Elizabeth & Marcel Bergmann, piano.

05:10 James MacMillan. Veni, veni
Emmanuel, a concert for percussion and orchestra.
Colin Currie, percussion. Radio Kamer Philharmonic conducted by James MacMillan.

05:40 Philip Glass. For harp:
1. Opening Piece from Glassworks.
2. Metamorphosis (1988).
Lavinia Meijer, harp.

06:15 Philip Glass. 1. Why has someone have to die?
2. Trilogy-Sonata. 3. Closing, from Glassworks.
Floraleda Sacchi, harp.

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