The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

wed 2 nov 2022 19:00 hrs
Composer: Leo Brouwer

The guitar in the 20th century, part XIII.

A monthly series featuring guitar music from the last century, and each episode includes a guitar concert. Today’s focus is on guitar music from Cuba.




  • Leo Brouwer (photo), Danza del Altiplano.
    Joaquín Clerch, guitar.
  • Leo Brouwer, Per suonare a tre.
    Rien de Reede, flute. Zoltan Benyacs, viola. Robby Faverey, guitar.
  • Joaquín Clerch, Yemaya.
    Rafael Aguirre Miñarro, guitar.
  • Leo Brouwer, Guitar concerto no. 2 ‘Concierto de Lieja’.
    Costas Cotsiolis, guitar. Orchestra conducted by Leo Brouwer.
  • Chan Chan
    Buena Vista Social Club.
Produced by:
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