The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

thu 10 dec 2020 20:00 hrs

Music by 20th-century composers.

Beethoven and the 20th century – 11

This is the eleventh and final part of a series about Ludwig von Beethoven’s influence on 20th and 21st centuries composers. In this final episode, the music shifts gradually higher and higher up the parody ladder.



  1. Michael Gordon: Rewriting Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony. The Bamberg Symphony conducted by Jonathan Nott
  2. Johan de Meij: Extreme Beethoven. Koninklijke Harmonie St. Lutgardis conducted by Dieter Boffé
  3. Louis Andriessen: Beethoven’s nine symphonies for pops orchestra and ice cream bell (1970). Promenadeorkest conducted by Gijsbert Nieuwland
  4. Dudley Moore: Beethoven Parody ‘And the same to you’. Piers Lane, piano
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