The Last Century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Last Century

thu 23 jan 2020 20:00 hrs

Mariss Janson -2

This is the second and last program dedicated to Mariss Jansons, the Latvian-born maestro who passed away on November 30. Jansons was principal conductor of the Royal Concertgebouworkest from 2004 to 2015. He was born in Riga in 1943. He studied violin and conducting in Leningrad and was appointed Yevgeny Mravinsky’s assistant with the Philharmonic Orchestra of that city. His star really started rising when he, from 1979 to 2000, served as principal conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, bringing it great international acclaim. In 2004 he took over the role of principal conductor of the Royal Concertgebouworkest from Riccardo Chailly. Jansons preferred music form the well-known romantical repertoire from Middle and Eastern Europe, but he also often went of this path. During this hour you’ll hear music from three 20th century composers: Luciano Berio, Peter Jan Wagemans and Béla Bartók. 

  1. Luciano Berio: 4 Dédicaces. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Mariss Jansons
  2. Peter Jan Wagemans: Moloch.
  3. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Mariss Jansons
  4. Béla Bartók: Music for string orchestra, percussion and celesta.
  5. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Mariss Jansons


You’ll find the first program on Mariss Jansons here.

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