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The Early Garden

One hour of browsing through early music. Song of Solomon. Music composed to lyrics from the Song of Solomon, also known as: Song of Songs. These lyrics have been set to music by many composers in the past, such as by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Juan Gutiérrez.

Song of Solomon is a book in the Hebrew scriptures. The Hebrew name ‘Sjir Ha-Sjirim‘ literally means: Song of Songs. Maarten Luther translated this title to ‘Hohes Lied’, which is why in Dutch this book is known as: het Hooglied (the high song).

This book was attributed to Solomon, and so it was estimated to be written in the 10th century before Christ, although linguistic characteristics of the lyrics point to a later date. The lyrics have been set to music by many composers in the past

Song of Solomon is for the biggest part in the form of a conversation between two lovers, one of whom is a shepherdess from Shulem. They take turns singing about their love for each other.

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