The Early Garden | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Early Garden

thu 7 jul 2022 20:00 hrs

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses. Today: A selection of music from the 16th century, including the antiphon “Media Vita” by John Sheppard.

Pierre de la Rue (1452-1518)
1. Delicta juventutis

Graindelavoix led by Björn Schmelzer
(CD Césus. Glossa GCD P32105)

Raphaella Aleotti (1575-1646?)
2. Miserere Meus
3. Vidi speciosam sicut columbam
4. Ego flos campi

Capella Artemisia led by Candace Smith
(CD Raphaella Aleotti: the nuns of San Vito. Tactus TC 570101)

William Byrd (1543-1623)
5. Prelude and Voluntary
6. Ut re mi fa sol la

The New York Consort
(CD C01409 Music of William Byrd. Lyrichord LEMS 8015)

John Sheppard (ca.1515-1558)
7. Antiphon: Media Vita

stile antico
(CD John Sheppard – Media vita. Harmonia Mundi HMU807509)


Featured image: Raphaella Aleotti


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