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The Early Garden

sun 2 dec 2018 16:00 hrs

One hour of browsing through early music, with an accent on Masses.

Today you will hear funeral music, as part of the Week of Melancholy: De Profundis by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Lamentatio by Juan de Lienas, and a Requiem-mass by Jean Gilles.

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 – 1704)
1 Psalm 130: De Profundis (H 189)
– Prelude
– De profundis clamavi
– Fiant aures tuae
– Quia apud te
– A custodia matutina
– Et ipse redimet
Choir of New College Oxford and Oxford Baroque conducted by Edward Higginbottom
(cd: Musique sacrée. Novum NCR1387, 2013)

Juan de Lienas (fl 1617 – 1654)
2 Lamentatio
Boston Camerata conducted by Joel Cohen
(cd: Nueva Española. Apex CD 2564 62408-2, 1993)

Jean Gilles (1668 – 1705)
3 Requiem
– Kyrie
– Graduel
– Offertoire
– Sanctus
– Agnus Dei
– Post-Communion
Anne Magouët, soprano. Vincent Lièvre-Picard, countertenor. Bruno Boterf, tenor. Alain Buet, bass-baritone. Choeur de chambre Les Éléments and Orchestre Les Passions conducted by Jean-Marc Andrieu
(cd: Requiem. Ligia Digital LIDI 0202196-8, 2008)

Pablo Bruna (1611 – 1679)
4 Tiento
Boston Camerata conducted by Joel Cohen
(cd: Nueva Española. Apex CD 2564 62408-2, 1993)

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