The Art of the Improvisers | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Art of the Improvisers

sat 5 sep 2020 23:00 hrs

International avant-garde.

A Serenade For Bill Moons, part 11
A series of programmes with farewell music for Willem van Manen (Bill Moons).


Willem van Manen (ex trombonist, composer and bandleader) has left us as a co-ordinator of the jazz section at Concertzender after almost fifteen years. On this occasion, programme maker Bert Broere has compiled a personal musical choice in twelve parts.
Van Manen has to thank another Willem for his nickname: Willem Breuker. In 1975, he devoted a composition to van Manen titled Twenty Minutes In The Life Of Bill Moons.

Tonight, you hear music of Rob Mc Connell & The Boss Brass, Buell Neidlinger’s String Jazz and Jimmy Knepper.

1. Hawg Jawz 6.50
2. This Maybe Your Lucky Day 6.47
3. Stella By Starlight 8.41
4. Brake’s Sake 5.03
5. Boo Boo’s Birthday 4.36
6. Mainstem 3.42
7. Primrose Path 12.50
8. Gnome On The Range 8.57
CDs used:
1/3 : Rob McConnell & The Boss Brass Overtime Concord
4/6 : Buel Neidlinger’s String Jazz Locomotive Soul Note
7/8 : Jimmy Knepper Primrose Path Hep


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