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The Night: Special

sun 22 feb 2009 00:00 hrs
Composer: James Joyce

The French Connection.
The label Insane Music, the French sound artist Christian Reaud and the Belgian label EE Tapes are discussed.

The first hour: INSANE MUSIC.
In the 80s, the Belgian INSANE MUSIC played a prominent role within the cassette circuit. Label boss Alain Neffe was the kingpin in a huge hometape network. Within a couple of years this resulted in an enormous stream of compilation tapes, finding their way across the entire world. All compilation releases came with extensive address lists so that musicians and other interested parties could come into contact with one another.
“Don’t hesitate to contact us. We need it. They need it.”, was mentioned on every edition.
In this special, we pay attention to the “Insane music for Insane people” series.
Besides the label work, Alain Neffe was a passionate musician and composer. In his own studio "The Cave" he collaborated with other musicians on projects such as Pseudo Code, Human Dance, Cortex, Subject, I Scream, Japanese Genius and M.A.L..
Together with his partner Nadine Bal he formed the groups Bene Gesserit and Human Flesh.
In this INSANE special you will also listen to two pieces by Human Flesh. “First Day” and “Second Day” of the cassette release “Life in Reverse / Meditation and Fears”.
Playlist (performing artists. title. album)
1. Michael Kleniec. Solea. Insane music for Insane people vol.18 (MC)
2. Liza Neliaz. Waiting for a telephone call. Insane music for Insane people vol.14 (MC)
3. Collectionism. XSASS. Insane music for Insane people vol.13 (LP)
4. The Pockets. Anko tsubaki wa koi no hana. Insane music for Insane people vol.16 (MC)
5. Outer Curve. Ascension. Insane music for Insane people vol.25 (MC)
6. Human Flesh. Second Day. Life in Reverse / Meditation and Fears (MC)
7. Crawling with Tarts. Angry King. Insane music for Insane people vol.17 (MC)
8. Human Flesh. First Day. Life in Reverse / Meditation and Fears (MC)
9. Geoff X. Alexander. Shanghai Nightmare. Insane music for Insane people vol.25 (MC)
10. The Philosophers. James Joyce talks dirty. Insane music for Insane people vol.17 (MC)
The second hour: BRUME.
A musical portrait of the French experimental electro composer Christian Renou. Some electronic music lovers know Renou better under the name BRUME.
Renou began releasing his own sound manipulations under the name of BRUME at the end of the 80s on his label BRUME RECORDINGS and on various cassette labels. Since the 90s, his work was more and more often released on CD. Most famous from that period are the BRUME releases of Staalplaat and La Legende des Voix.
Since a couple of years, Christian Renou releases compositions under his own name.
Recently, the CD “7 Kisses” was released on EE Tapes in a limited edition.
On this programme you will hear six pieces, fluently presented as one mix. 
1. No-Body part 2. No-Body (MiniCD)
2. Anthropologie I. Anthropologie I/II (MiniCD)
3. 7 Kisses part 2. 7 Kisses (CD)
4. Red Shift Infiltration. Mouvements (CD)
5. 7 Kisses part 3. 7 Kisses (CD)
6. Après, Bientôt et Encore. The Walls are Whispering vol.1 (CD)
Hour three to six: EE TAPES.
The final part (four hours) of this night, we give much attention to the label EE Tapes, founded in the 80s by Eriek van Havere. The fact that the label still uses the same name, is due to Eriek’s first editions being released on cassettes. In the course of the 90s, they became CDR and CD releases. Eriek’s fascination for pioneering, new, extreme music can be heard on the numerous, very limited editions of his compilation projects.
A visit to his website is absolutely recommended because in the stores, these "art works" can no longer be found, unfortunately.
1. Stella Polaris. Dieter Müh.
2. Spirale 1. Eric La Casa.
3. Makaria. Troum.
4. Mardhong. Reutoff.
5. Après, Bientôt et Encore. Christian Renou.
6. Pulse 024.3. Radboud Mens.
7. The Presence of Copper. Steve Roden.
8. rn86. The (Law-Rah) Collective.
9. Impulsion. PBK.
10. Child of the Damned. Ah Cama-Sotz.
11. Metaspheres. Inade.
12. Invocation of the Genii. Brainquake.
13. Stupor Pattern. Anon Plus.
14. In heaven we are Objects. Wardrobe Memories.
15. Da Song. Mind Map.
16. Sobrepuesto. Pablo Reche.
17. Anticipation. LD50.
18. Bowant II. Af Ursin.
19. Coaless. Anon Plus.
20. Crotale. Mimetic Tune.
21. H, B, G, D, Select/Start. Sizzle.
22. Soundtrack for installation at Jurassic Rock Exposure. Salikapalikau.
23. Excerpt. This Morn’ Omina vs. Murderous Vision.
24. 7 Kisses part 4. Christian Renou.
25. Your hanging cymbal Garden. The Infant Cycle.
26. Benedictus. The Oratory of Divine Love.
27. 7 Kisses part 5. Christian Renou.
28. Dogs in a Dim Greyroom. Ian Robert McKenzie.
29. Ethric Double. The Implicit Order.
30. The Cold Aperture. Ian Robert McKenzie.
31. Glossalalia. The Implicit Order.

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