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The Early Garden

sun 3 jan 2016 16:00 hrs

The Early Garden; a New Years’ episode of this program that browses through early music. Motets of two unknown composers: Kaspar Förster and Johann Georg Rauch from two new CDs.

The music is from new CDs by the label Chemins du Baroque.
Johann Georg Rauch (1658-1710)
1. Succendite me
2. Salve Regina
3. Omnes sitientes
4. Regina Coeli
5. Veni consolator optime
Anne-Sophie Waris, soprano. Ensemble Dulcis Melodia conducted by Jean-François Haberer, organ
(Chemins du Baroque, K617 CDB002, 2015)
forster chemins.jpgKaspar Förster (1616-1673)
6. Confitebor tibi Domine (psaume)
7. O bone Jesu
8. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum (psaume)
Anne Magouët, soprano. Paulin Bündgen, altus. Martial Pauliat, tenor. Renaud Delaigue, bass. Les Traversées Baroques conducted by Etienne Meyer
(Chemins du Baroque, CDB002, 2015)

9. Sonate anonyme á deux cornettini
Les Traversées Baroques conducted by Etienne Meyer
(Chemins du Baroque, CDB002, 2015)

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