Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol! | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

sun 2 may 2021 11:00 hrs

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CD’s. Music by Augustin Pfleger, Pieter van Maldere, Bartolomeo Monari and Giovanni Antonio Rigatti on the new CDs by Vox Nidrosiensis & Orkester Nord, Irish Baroque Orchestra, Ensemble Arcangelo and i Disinvolti & UtFaSol Ensemble.

1. Augustin Pfleger (ca.1635-1686)
– Motet ‘Ach, dass ich Wassers genug hätte’
Performers: Vox Nidrosiensis en Orkester Nord conducted by Martin Wåhlberg
(CD: ‘The life and Passion of the Christ’, Aparté, No. AP249, 2021)

2. Pieter van Maldere (1729-1768)
– Symphony in G major ‘Dublin Sinfonia’, VR 28
Performers: Irish Baroque Orchestra conducted by Peter Whelan
(CD: ‘The Trials of Tenducci’, Linn, No. CKD 639, 2021)

3. Bartolomeo Monari (1662-1697)
– Cantata ‘La Poppea’ (1685)
Performers: Kate Lindsey, mezzo-soprano. Ensemble Arcangelo conducted by Jonathan Cohen
(CD: ‘Tiranno’, Alpha, No. 736, 2021)

4. Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (1613-1648)
– ‘Magnificat’ from the Mariavespers
Performers: i Disinvolti & UtFaSol Ensemble conducted by Massimo Lombardi
(SACD: ‘Vespro della Beata Vergine’, Arcana, No. A 121, 2021)


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