Series Jordi Savall | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Series Jordi Savall

mon 27 jul 2015 19:00 hrs
Genre: Baroque
Composers: John Dowland | Jordi Savall

Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall.
Part 58 (repetition): his album ‘John Dowland, Lachrimae or Seaven Teares’.

Jordi Savall will give the opening concert of the Utrecht Early Music Festival 2015 on August 28. The programme will be filled with English consort music from the 16th century. Because of this we will listen to this CD of Savall once again during this hour.

The original recordings of the CD ‘John Dowland, Lachrimae or Seaven Teares’ date back to 1987 and were made with musicians with whom Savall has been working with from the very beginning, like the co-founder of Hespèrion XX, Sergi Casademunt on the viola da gamba. In addition, we can hear gamba players Lorenz Duftschmid, Christophe Coin, Paolo Pandolfo and lute player José Miguel Moreno.

John Dowland (1563–1626)
01. Lachrimae Antiquae
02. Sir John Souch his Galiard
03. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
04. M. Henry Noell his Galiard
05. Lachrimae Gementes
06. The Earl of Essex Galiard
07. Lachrimae Tristes
08. M. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard
09. Lachrimae Coactae
10. M. Giles Hoby his Galiard
11. Lachrimae Amantis
12. M. Thomas Collier his Galiard
13. Lachrimae Verae
14. Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
15. Semper Dowland semper dolens
16. The King of Denmarks Galiard
Hespèrion XX conducted by Jordi Savall
(AV 9901, 2013)

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