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sun 7 mar 2021 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 235: Mighty Stream

A mix of ambient and field recordings from Estonia, Thailand and Zambia.

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Daft Punk – Motherboard (loop)
+ Warmth – Receiver

2. Daft Punk – Motherboard (loop)
+ Rem Koral – Mighty Stream / I Feel Better
+ Veljo Runnel – Early Morning with Woodpeckers and Eurasian Pygmy Owl /
+ Veljo Runnel – Evening Song of Thrushes /
+ Veljo Runnel – Greeting of Ural Owls

3. Dave Phillips – Grand Sunset Concerto, in the midst of the jungle

4. Dave Phillips – Grand Sunset Concerto, in the midst of the jungle
+ Rem Koral – Mighty Stream
+ Daft Punk – Motherboard (loop)
+ Veljo Runnel – Early Morning with Woodpeckers and Eurasian Pygmy Owl

5. Veljo Runnel – Riverside Village
+ Harrold Roeland – Hitch-hiking on Kasanka-Samfya Road

6. Daft Punk – Motherboard (loop)
+ Warmth – Receiver
+ Dave Phillips – Grand Sunset Concerto, in the midst of the jungle
+ Veljo Runnel – Early Morning With Woodpeckers and Eurasian Pygmy Owl
+ Veljo Runnel – Epilogue

Daft Punk: Random Access Memories, 2013, Columbia
Warmth: Parallel, 2018, Archives
Rem Koral: Story of Mountain Water, 2016, Pantheon
Veljo Runnel: Spring in Padakõrve, 2018, eigen beheer
Veljo Runnel: Five Natural Pieces, 2012, eigen beheer
Dave Phillips: Field Recordings, 2007, eigen beheer
Harrold Roeland: Recordings from Zambia, niet verschenen

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