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sun 19 apr 2020 19:00 hrs

A musical sequel. Episode 189: Aestimatus

Centuries-old singing from the Passion of Gesualdo, icy landscapes of Øjerum and warming up again with Horitaka Shirotsubaki, Jesse Joyce and Francis M Gri.

0. Sensenta Intro #3

1. Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa – Aestimatus Sum (Collegium Vocale Gent)
2. Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa – Tenebrae Facte Sunt (Nordic Voices)
3. øjeRum – He Remembers There Were Gardens
4. Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Afternoon Coastline
5. Jesse Joyce – A Gentle Becoming / 6:28 am – 6:37 am
6. Francis M Gri – Loneliness

Carlo Gesualdo / Collegium Vocale Gent: Responsoria 1611, 2013, PHI
Carlo Gesualdo / Nordic Voices: Lamentations, 2009, Chaconne
øjeRum: He Remembers There Were Gardens, 2014/2017, KrysaliSound
Hirotaka Shirotsubaki: slowdance,lowtide, 2020, eigen beheer
Jesse Joyce: The Gentle Hum That Signals, 2016, Organic Industries
Francis M Gri: Boke, 2020, KrysaliSound

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