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sun 22 mar 2020 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 185: Our Better Selves

Electronics from past decades to cheer you up, fading into ambient. And  a message from Björk.

0. Sensenta Intro #1

1. Bola – Pfane part 1 & 2
2. LFO – Moistly
3. Sensorama – Zone 30 (Plaid remix)
4. 16b – Falling
5. Monolake – Nucleus / Aviation / Nucleus
6. Bola – Opanopano (loop) /
Hirotaka Shirotsubaki – Relic
7. Hakobune – Unending Route
8. Anthène – Our Better Selves
9. Björk – All Is Full Of Love



Bola: Gnayse, 2004, Skam
LFO: Sheath, 2003, Warp Records
Sensorama/Plaid: Parts in the Post, 2003, Peacefrog
16B: Sounds from Another Room, 1998, Eye Q Records
Monolake: Gravity, 2000, Imbalance Computer Music
Hirotaka Shirotsubaki: Reminiscence, 2017, Organic Industries
Hakobune: Heath Grass, 2011, Still*Sleep
Anthène: Skyglow, 2019, Shimmering Moods
Björk: Volumen 1993-2003, 2002, One Little Indian


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