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Roaming the Renaissance

sat 19 jun 2021 11:00 hrs

Music from the 15th and 16th century. This episode brings us to late 15th century and early 16th century Milan, with music by Loyset Compère, his colleague Gaspar van Weebeke and Matthias Hermann Werrecore.

We will start at the court of Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza; from 1474 to 1476, Loyset Compère (approx. 1445-1518) worked at his court. It was the custom there to perform so-called motetti missale instead of a mass: a cycle of motets that replaced the usual ordinarium and proprium songs. Compère’s Missa Galeazescha is an example of this.

After that will be a motet by Gaspar van Weerbeke (approx. 1445-after 1516), Compère’s colleague at court.

The second part features three motets by Matthias Hermann Werrecore (approx. 1500-after 1574), who was Kapellmeister of the Cathedral of Milan from 1522 to probably about 1550.

Loyset Compère (approx. 1445-1518)
1. Missa Galeazescha
(Loco Introitus: Ave, Virgo gloriosa; Loco Gloria: Ave, salus infirmorum; Loco Credo: Ave, decus virginale; Locus Offertorii: Ave, sponsa verbi summi; Loco Sanctus: O Maria; Ad elevationem: Adoramus te, Christe; Loco Agnus: Salve, mater Salvatoris; Loco Deo Gratias: Virginis Mariae laudes)
Odhecaton conducted by Paolo Da Col
(CD: “Missa Galeazescha – Music for the Duke of Milan” – Arcana A436, 2017)

Gaspar van Weerbeke (approx. 1445-after 1516)
2. Ave regina coelorum, mater

Matthias Hermann Werrecore (approx. 1500-after 1574)
3. Inviolata, integra et casta es Maria
4. Ave maris stella
5. Inclina Deus meus
Siglo de Oro conducted by Patrick Allies
(CD: “Music for Milan Cathedral” – Delphian Records DCD34224, 2019)

Gaspar van Weerbeke
6. Virgo Maria
Liuwe Tamminga, organ
(CD: see 1)


Picture: Loyset Compère

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