Roaming The Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Roaming The Baroque

Music from the 17th and 18th century. Italian cantatas from the 18th and 19th century about the Greek goddess Eirene.

Alessandro Marcello (1684-1750)
1. Serenata ad Irene
María Cristina Kiehr, soprano. Rebeka Rusò, viola da gamba. Daniele Caminiti, lute. Edoardo Torbianelli, fortepiano

Giovanni Pacini (1796-1867)
2. Irene, o l’assedio di Messina; Se un mio desir… cedi al duol… Ira del ciel
Cecilia Bartoli, mezzo soprano. International Chamber Soloists and Orchester La Scintilla conducted by Adam Fischer

Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
3. Cantata for soprano and b.c., “Ti ricorda o bella Irene”
Max Emanuel Cencic, countertenor. Aline Zylberajch, fortepiano. Maya Amrein, cello. Yasunori Imamura, theorbo

Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726)
4. Cantata for voice and b.c., “Mia bella Irene”
Elena Cecchi Fedi, soprano. Bettina Hoffmann, cello. Gian Luca Lastraioli, guitar

Alessandro Marcello
5. Cantata for soprano, oboes and string orchestra, “Irene sdegnata”
Sylva Pozzer, soprano. Accademia di San Rocco, Venezia and Orchestra Barocca di Venezia conducted by Andrea Marcon


Thanks to Muziekweb Rotterdam.

Photograph: sculpture of the goddess Eirene


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