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sun 7 jan 2007 16:00 hrs
Composer: George Gershwin

In the 90s, British pianist Keith Nichols made a tribute to Fletcher Henderson’s music with his Cotton Club Orchestra.

   1. The Meanest Kind Of Blues       Katzmann                           
   2. Memphis
Bound                         Banta/De Rose                   
   3. Money Blues                              Leader/Coleman/Eller          
   4. What-Cha-Call’ Em Blues         Steve Roberts                  
   5. T.N.T.                                         Elmer Schoebel                
   6. Henderson
Stomp                       Fletcher Henderson
   7. Sweet Thing                               Williams/Kahn/Verges        
   8. I Need Lovin’                             Johnson/Creamer                
   9. Tozo                                           Henderson/Cowdery            
  10.Shuffling Sadie                          Burke Bivens                      
  11.I’m Coming Virginia                 Heywood/Cook                   
  12.D.Natural Blues                         Fletcher Henderson
  13.Hop Off                                      Jordan/Waller/Williams      
  14.Wang Wang Blues                     Mueller/Johnson/Busse      
  15.Somebody Loves Me                 Gershwin/MacDonald        
  16.Shanghai Shuffle                        Conley/Rodemich                
   CD: Stomp Off  1275

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