Ratatouille | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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A vegetable stew with different ingredients

 16:01 Tar paper stomp

Trumpet on the wing : His 55 finest 1924-1962
Wingy Manone & Barbecue Joe & His Hot Dogs

 16:04 Tanz der Bessaraber Juden

Klänge aus den Karpaten
Ensemble Scholem Alejchem & Gruppe Galizianer

 16:06 Josele

Klänge aus den Karpaten
Ensemble Scholem Alejchem & Gruppe Galizianer

 16:10 Suite voor orkest nr.3, op.27 in D gr.t., 'Villageoise'

Georges Enescu
Lawrence Foster (dirigent), Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo

 16:13 If music be the food of love Z.379

Henry Purcell
Agnès Mellon (sopraan), Christophe Rousset (klavecimbel), Wieland Kuijken (gamba)

 16:17 Hottenoije duveltje Teake Riemersma

Gezinsverbijstering : Nederalnds onbekendste popster 3
Meindert Talma

 16:20 Kumhunga

Shoko : Tuku music from the townships of Zimbabwe
Oliver Mtukudzi

 16:25 Monk's dance

The sky will still be there tomorrow
Charles Lloyd & Jason Moran & Larry Grenadier & Brian Blade

 16:32 Defiant, tender warrior

The sky will still be there tomorrow
Charles Lloyd & Jason Moran & Larry Grenadier & Brian Blade

 16:36 Sonate voor klavecimbel nr.12 in e kl.t.

Carlos de Seixas
Nicolau de Figueiredo (klavecimbel)

 16:41 Stroming

Kate Moore

 16:47 Prelude in D minor the optimist

Michiel Borstlap

 16:52 Phaëton LWV.61

Jean-Baptiste Lully
Emiliano Gonzalez Toro, Ingrid Perruche, Isabelle Druet, Gaëlle Arquez, Andrew Foster-Williams, Christophe Rousset (dirigent), Les Talens Lyriques, Choeur de Chambre de Namur



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