A vegetable stew with different ingredients

16:01 Beatrice
Il postino ; Original motion picture soundtrack
Luis Bacalov |
16:05 But not for me
Alive at The Village Vanguard
Fred Hersch & Esperanza Spalding |
16:14 Vingespenn
Trøsteviser for redde netter
Randi Tytingvåg |
16:18 Il postino
Descansado : Songs for films
Norma Winstone & Klaus Gesing & Glauco Venier |
16:23 The moon song
Beyond the Missouri sky
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny |
16:30 Elena & Lila
My brilliant friend : A tv series
Max Richter |
16:35 Der Wanderer
Anselm Hüttenbrenner
Franz Vitzthum (countertenor), Katherina Olivia Brand (fortepiano) |
16:40 Sonata for strings and b.c. no.1 in D major, ‘Armonico tributo’
Georg Muffat
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (conducter), Concerto Copenhagen |
16:52 Je suis ayme de la plus belle
Thomas Crecquillon
Jan Van Outryve (lute), Utopia [BE] |
16:54 Des Mädchens Klage
Charlotte Bender
Franz Vitzthum (countertenor), Katherina Olivia Brand (fortepiano) |