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Radio Romantica

tue 28 sep 2021 20:00 hrs

French chamber music for wind instruments and piano: Farrenc, Thuille, Roussel

France has a rich tradition when it comes to building and playing wind instruments. Many famous makers such as Loriot, Buffet-Crampon and Selmer come from France and famous teachers such as Taffanel and Derain have trained generations of top musicians. The result is an hour of wonderful chamber music for wind instruments and piano, presented by some of the great names of our time, and pianist and top accompanist Eric le Sage. The ensemble, Les Vents Français, consists of Emanuel Pahud, flute, François Leleux, oboe, Paul Meyer, clarinet, Gilbert Audin, bassoon and Radovan Vlatkovič, horn. They start with the sextet for wind quintet and piano by Louise Farrenc. Initially she was not allowed to play music professionally at all, but from 1842 she was piano professor at the Paris Conservatoire for thirty years. Ludwig Thuille comes from Bozen in South Tyrol and belongs to the so-called Munich School, to which the young Richard Strauss also belonged. Finally, you will hear the Divertissement by Albert Rouseel composed in 1906.



  1. Louise Farrenc – Sextet for wind quintet en piano, op.60

Les Vents Français / Eric le Sage, piano

  1. Ludwig Thuille – Sextet for wind quintet en piano, op.6

Les Vents Français / Eric le Sage, piano

  1. Albert Roussel – Divertissement for wind quintet en piano, op.6

Les Vents Français / Eric le Sage, piano

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