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Radio Monalisa

sun 27 dec 2020 12:00 hrs
Composer: Jacqueline Fontyn

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary. Producer and host: Patricia Werner Leanse. This episode includes the works of Emilia Giuliani-Guglielmi, Jacqueline Fontyn [see picture] & Leyla McCalla.


1. Emilia Giuliani-Guglielmi (Austria, 1813-1850). Variazioni sopra un tema del Mo. Mercadan, for solo guitar.

2. Jacqueline Fontyn (Belgium, 1930) [see picture]. a. On a Landscape by Turner (1992), for orchestra. b. Capricorne (2009): Concerto pour 2 percussions et orchestre de chambre.
c. Intermezzo (1973) for harp. d. Compagnon de la Nuit (1990), for oboe and harp.

3. Leyla McCalla (New York, 1985). From the new album ‘Vari-Colored Songs’: Tribute to Langston Hughes’ (2020): Latibonit, Changing the Tide, When I can see the Valley.

Produced & presented by:
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