Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

sun 10 may 2020 12:00 hrs

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary. Producer and host: Patricia Werner Leanse.

1. Lydia Kakabadse (UK, 1955). Courage (2018), art song.

2. Alicia Terzian (Argentina, 1937) [see picture]. Tres Piezas para Cuerdas (1954) (3 pieces for string orchestra).

3. Angélica Negrón (Puerto Rico, 1981). La Isla Magica (2013), for double bass and pre-recorded electronics.

4. Marjo Tal (NL, 1915-2006). Two songs: a. Wolken (1973). b. La Chanson Fatale (1950).

5. Clara Schumann (Germany 1819-1896). 3 Romances (1853), for violin and piano.

6. Mary Lou Williams (Atlanta, 1910-1981). The Dirge Blues (1964) performed by the Marian McPartland Trio.

7. Agnes Gosling (NL, 1983). From the album ‘Caçador’ (2018): a. Cachoeira de Mim. b. Caçador. c. The Monotony of Drama.

Produced & presented by:
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