Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

sun 12 feb 2017 11:00 hrs

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary. Producer and host: Patricia Werner Leanse.

1. Fanny Mendelssohn (Germany, 1805-1847). February (1841), for piano solo.
2. Lydia Kakabadse (UK, 1955) – Two Chamber Songs: a. Spellbound (2004).
b. Eldorado (2007), for mezzo-soprano, violin, viola, cello and double bass.
3. Dobrinka Tabakova (Bulgaria/UK, 1980) (zie foto). Concerto for cello and strings (2008).
4. Calliope Tsoupaki (Greece, 1963). Blowing Wind (2002), for voice and piano.
5. Ursula Mamlok (Germany, 1923-2016). Elegy (1987) second movement from the Concertino for Wind Quintet.
6. Kristina Fuchs (Switzerland, 1970). The title track from the 2002 album Whence & Wither with Kristina Fuchs and Sonic Unit.
Produced & presented by:
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