Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary.
Programming & presentation: Patricia Werner Leanse.

1. Poldowski (Belgium, 1879-1932).
a. L’heure exquise (1913). b. Impression Fausse (1912), art songs.
2. Carol Barnett (Iowa, 1949). Overture for a Greek Drama (1994).
3. Konstantia Gourzi (Greece, 1962). Flammenarie (2009), for Byzantine psalmist, tarhu and piano.
4. Cécile Chaminade (France, 1857-1944).  Callirhoë, Air de ballet (1887).
5. Michelle Boudreau (Canada, 1956). Spirales VIII (2005), for mezzo-soprano and electronics.
6. Pauline Viardot  (France, 1821-1910).  Bohémienne (1868), for violin and piano.
7. Laurie Anderson (Illinois, 1947).
Tracks from Bright Red (1994).
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