No. 102. Music from the fallow grounds of independent and alternative blues, folk and pop labels.
Terra Incognita is an atmospheric programme with varied, contemporary music from musicians you probably have never heard on Dutch radio.
This programme is a voyage of discovery for the curious music enthusiast with broad interests. Relax your Ear and discover the Listening!
Episode 102.
This hour features a lot of music from the small stages all around the world. An atmospheric mix of styles and genres, full of songs that are satisfying to the ear, set the tone and tell stories; a musical journey filled with talent and passion.
This episode features Oneohtrix Point Never, James Yorkston, Tiñja, Ghostpoet and Kati Ran.

Kati Ran
1. Black Country, New Road
Track X, 04:44
For the first time
Ninja Tune, 2021
path 1: 06:03
2. Oneohtrix Point Never
Long Road Home, 03:32
Magic Oneohtrix Point Never
Warp Records, 2020
3. Mirel Wagner
The Dirt, 03:36
When the Cellar Children See the Light of Day
Sub Pop Records, 2014
4. James Yorkston, the Second Hand Orchestra
Ella Mary Leather, 03:06
The Wide, Wide River
Domino Recordings, 2021
path 2: 16:54
5. Marry Waterson, David A Jaycock
New Love Song, 03:11
Death Had Quicker Wings Than Love
One Little Independent Records, 2017
6. Ane Brun
After the Great Storm (Piano Version), 04:33
The RMW Sessions
Balloon Ranger Recordings, 2021
7. Tiña
I Feel Fine, 03:01
Positive Mental Health Music
Speedy Wunderground, 20210
path 3: 28:17
8. Ghostpoet
Bruised Fruit, 05:15
I Grow Tired But Dare Not Fall Asleep (Again)
Play It Again Sam, 2020
9. Michael Hedges
The Unexpected Visitor, 02:48
Beyond Boundaries: Guitar Solos
BMG Entertainment, 2001
10. Douglas Dare, Peter Broderick
Heartstrings, 03:58
Erased Tapes Records, 2020
path 4: 40:57
11. Jay-Jay Johanson
why Wait Until Tomorrow, 04:24
Rorschach Test
Kuroneko Media, 2021
12. Roland Darquoy
Danse 4, 03:12
Yann-Christian Jaffrennou: The Best of Celtic Piano
Bella Musica, 1997
13. Kati Ran
Flamme (Kai Uwe Faust, Heilung), 05:55
3Norns Productions, 2015
14. Nicholas Lens, Nick Cave 54:59
Litany of Godly Love, 04:45
Deutsche Grammophon, 2020
Terra Incognita airs every third and fourth (sometimes fifth) Wednesday of the month at 10 pm. Do you wish to respond? Please, send an email to