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Panorama De Leeuw

Episode XII, 7 oktober 2015 – Action Nutcracker
Thea Derks creates a chronicle of Dutch musical life, according to her biography: Reinbert de Leeuw, mens of melodie.

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In the previous episode we saw students from Tilburg disturb a concert of the Brabant Orchestra in october 1969, in order to draw more attention to contemporary music. Their attempt was successful: during a discussion afterwards chief conductor Hein Jordans promised to feature more temporary work in the programs. Two months later a piece of the living composer Robert Heppener was being played. The Brabant riots attracted attention, not only from the press, but also from Reinbert de Leeuw c.s., who decided to organise a similar protest in Amsterdam. This became the famous ‘Action Nutcracker’ on november 17, 1969 in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. A soon as Bernard Haitink raised his arms for a flute concert by Quantz, the rebels caused a ‘surprisingly beautiful, mysterious sound’ as described by De Leeuw, using squeeze frogs, rattles and whistles.
Unlike Tilburg, the ringleaders were roughly deported and they didn’t show up at the promised consultation with artistic director Marius Flothuis afterwards. This action was less successful, but nevertheless much more famous. Ironically orchestras used even less modern music after these events.  
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1. Johann Joachim Quantz. 
Flute concert in G part 1: allegro. 
Abbie de Quant, flute. Jaap Spigt, harpsichord. Amsterdams Philharmonisch Orkest conducted by Anton Kersjes.
2. Elliott Carter. Piano concert: part 1. 
Ursula Oppens, piano. 
SWF Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michael Gielen. 
3. Charles Ives. Third Sonata for violin and piano. 
Heleen Hulst, violin. Gerard Bouwhuis, piano. 
4. Erik Satie: selection from Danses gothiques
Reinbert de Leeuw, piano
5. Reinbert de Leeuw. Hymns & Chorals. 
Radio Blazers Ensemble conducted by David Porcelijn. 
Recording technics: Ger van den Beuken 

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