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Orient Express

fri 28 feb 2025 22:00 hrs

Ramadan Special. Songs and Religious Vocal Art.

Ramadan is the Islamic holy month of fasting, spirituality and celebration. This year (1446 in the islamic Hijri calender),  we’ll listen to both traditional celebration songs as well as samples of vocal art of religious singing (Inshad dini), mainly from Egypt.

For more of Egyptian songs celebrating Ramadan, check here

For more of vocal art of religious singing of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon click herehere and here.

Some from Moroccan traditions is here

Some of the typical forms of this vocal tradition in Egypt:

  • Ibtihalaat ( singular : Ibtihaal) :  A poem with typically a supplication or praise of God or his prophet. Almost totally improvised by the performer. i.e. no specific pre-written melody nor rhythm (non metrical). It is where the solo vocalist can show maqam modulation skills,  the vocal capabilities  and ornamentation technique.
  • Tawashih ( sing: Tawshih): A poem set to melody that the singer sings with his choir (Betanaa) and improvises in between the verses/melody lines. This classical form that requires -next to the solo lead vocalist- a group of well-practiced vocalists has almost disappeared.
  • Azaan : The Islamic call to prayer.




1970s TV clip and famous song showing Ramadan Festivities in Egypt





  1. Mohamed Abd el Mutteleb – Ramadan gana (Ramadan has arrived)  Intro 1’12
  2. Fatma Ali – Wallah Zaman Ya Ramadan (It’s been long, Ramadan!) 4’01
  3. Ahmed Abd El-Qader – Wahawy Ya Wahawy 02’27
  4. Sayed Mustafa  (Egypt) – El-Meseharati (Ya baset el-Arzaaq) 2’56
  5. Sheikh Kamel Yusif El-Bahtimi and group (betana) – Bezekr Mohammaden 7’59
  6. Sheikh Taha Al-Fashni and group (betana) – Tarannam ya Shajyya A-tayri 12’06
  7. Sheikh Ali Mahmoud and group (betana) – Khalliyani wa law’ati wa gharami 3’07
  8. Sheikh Mohamad Omran – Ibtihal – (Azhar Mosque 1983) 5’49
  9. Sheikh Mohamed Sadiq Al-Minshawy – Salawat we Taslim – 2’26
  10. Sheikh Mohamad Omran – Azan ( Call to Fajr/Dawn Prayer) – Maqam Huzam 4’11
  11. Sheikh Ali Mahmoud and group (betana) – Birabbak ya man gahalti-lgharam 7’03
  12. Ya sa’imi Ramadhan fuzu bi-l-muna.(You who fast Ramadan, you get what you wish) – Musallam al-Bitar (Damascus Live 1950s)
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