Opera in the 20th century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Opera in the 20th century

tue 22 dec 2020 17:00 hrs

The history of twentieth-century opera. 2019B.

2019: Social issues, the climate, and sinister thoughts take their place in opera.


In this episode pieces from:

Baudouin de Jaer (image)- Ce quit vit en nous

Stuart MacRae & Louie Welsh- Anthropocene

Pascal Dusapin- MacBeth Underworld


Other opera-  en operetta productions of 2019:

Michael Gordon- Acquanetta
Gerard Pesson- Trois contes
Mark Grey- Frankenstein

Scott Davenport Richards- Blind Injustice

Joel Puckett- The Fix

Andrew Synnott- La cucina

Hans Abrahamsen- The Snow Queen

Iain Bell- Stonewall

Hector Parra- Les Bienveillantes


Produced by:
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