Opera in the 20th century | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Opera in the 20th century

The history of twentieth century opera. #1933: On the advice of Franz von Papen President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor. The nazi party wins the Reichstag elections with 288 of 647 seats.

Because the seats of the communist party are not counted, this means the nazis have an absolute majority. Dachau, the first concentration camp for political prisoners, is ready for use. The new Reichstag agrees to the Enabling Act of 1933 (Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich), with which the parliamentary powers are transferred to Hitler. The concordat between nazi-Germany and the Vatican is signed by cardinal Pacelli and vice-chancellor Franz von Papen. The Waasland tunnel under the river Schelde in Antwerp is being put into use and the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco begins. The production of operas is still limited, but there are some highlights such as Arabella by Richard Strauss and two operas by Kurt Weill. And then there is Alexander Zemlinsky who delivers one of his masterpieces through ‘Die Kreidekreis’.

In this episode selections from:

• Kurt Weill- Der Silbersee
• Riccardo Zandonai- I cavalieri di Ekebù (1925)
• Alexander von Zemlinsky- Der Kreidekreis

Other operas and operettas from 1933:

• Richard Strauss- Arabella
• Henri Christiné- La Madone du promenoir
• Henri Christiné- L’Affaire Brocs
• Riccardo Zandonai- La Farsa amorosa
• Louis Gruenberg- The Emperor Jones
• Hans Gál- Die Beiden Klaas
• Reynaldo Hahn- Ô mon bel inconnu
• Gian Francesco Malipiero- La favola del figlio cambiato
• Jaromír Weinberger- Jarní bouře (Spring Storms; Frühlingsstürme)
• Jaromír Weinberger- Na růžích ustláno (A Bed of Roses)
• Leon Jessel- Junger Wein
• Manuel Penella- Brother Wolf
• Manuel Penella- Jazz Band
• André Messager- Sacha
• Necil Kazım Akses- Mete
• Pablo_Sorozábal- Adiós a la bohemia
• Werner Egk- Columbus



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