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On Cloud Nine

Profane music from all over Europe. The vibrant cultures surrounding the Mediterranean are beautifully captured by the German ensemble Sarband. This rich musical tradition is also reflected in the work of the Catalan group Capella de Ministrers by Carles Magraner, who musically retraced the steps of El Greco. Additionally, while Frescobaldi is renowned as an Italian winery, it is also the name of a composer/ancestor of the wine producers. We will conclude today’s broadcast with his canzoni.

Jacopo da Bologna (voor 1340-1360):
1 Nel mio Parlar
2 Donna fallante
3 Nikriz Peşrev
4 Nevâ çeng-i harbi part 2
Sarband conducted by Vladimir Ivanoff
(cd Music of the Emperors, Jaro 4156-2, 1993)

5 Letsi (danza Griega)
Kassia (ca. 810-ca.865):
6 The fallen woman
Cesare Negri (1535-1605):
7 From ‘Le gratie d’amore’ (1602): Adda felice
Fabritio Caroso (1526/1535-1605/1620)
From ‘Il Ballerino’:
8 Cascarda castellana
9 Balletto amor costante
10 Spagnoletta
Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594):
11 From ‘Profetiae Sybillarum’: Sybille Phrygia
12 Passamezzo Antico
13 Romanesca
14 la muerte de Absalón
Capella de Ministrers conducted by Carles Magraner
(cd El Greco – el Viaje musical de Doménikos Theotokópoulos, CDM 1434, 2014)

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643):
15 Canzoni per sonare book 1, 1628; L’Ambitiosa
16 Canzoni per sonare book 1, B3, 1634; no.5 a 4
17 Canzoni per sonare book 1, 1628; Superba
18 Canzoni per sonare book 1, B3, 1634; no.2 a 4 sopra Romanesca
Les Basses Réunies conducted by Bruno Cocset
(CD Girolamo Frescobaldi – Canzoni, Alpha Classics 053, 2004)


Special thanks to Muziekweb.

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