Omzwervingen in de Joodse muziek | Concertzender | Klassiek, Jazz, Wereld en meer
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Omzwervingen in de Joodse muziek

zo 16 feb 2025 17:00 uur

Y i d d i s h   s o n g w r i t e r s
from NL with the participation of : Leo Fuld | Louis Davids | Max van Praag. Producer Cobie Ivens

1 – L e o   F u l d
He is one of the most famous interpreters of Yiddish songs. He was born in Rotterdam in 1912. Just before the Second World War he left for the US. He survived the war, but the rest of his family was murdered by the Nazis. After the war Leo Fuld became known as the interpreter of Yiddish evergreens. When he was 80 he returned to the Netherlands where he recorded one more album, The Legend.
CD. My yiddische mama – Leo Fuld.
LABEL: Artone, code: ART 2005006, Sony Music Media (2005), code: 4886102. VIDEO

2 – L o u i s   D a v i d s
One of the founders of the levenslied was born in Rotterdam in 1883. Louis Davids grew up in a Jewish fairground family and was brought up with a love of singing. In 1909, Louis Davids left for a tour to England where he got ideas for his revue shows in the Netherlands. He translated English songs into Dutch and achieved success with them. With his songs De kleine man (The little man) and Als je voor een dubbeltje geboren bent (If you were born for a dime), Louis expressed the sense of crisis of the Dutch in the thirties. Louis Davids died in 1939, a few months before the Second World War broke out.
CD. Nostalgisch Nederland : De keuze van Annie de Reuver – Louis Davids.
LABEL: Nostalgisch Nederland (2008), code: NN001. VIDEO

3 – M a x   v a n   P r a a g
During World War II, Max van Praag had to go into hiding because of his Jewish background. He scored many hits in the fifties. Since 1958, he organized the Loosdrecht Jazz Concours annually. He opened a gramophone record store in Utrecht on the Amsterdamsestraatweg and in 1974 a store in the Hoog Catharijne shopping center. However, in the eighties, Max was forced to close his stores. In 1991, he died from Parkinson’s.
CD. Weet je nog wel oudje? – Max van Praag.
LABEL: Dureco (1988), code: 840122. VIDEO

Producer Cobie Ivens

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