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Nuove Musiche

thu 5 sep 2024 19:00 hrs

New CDs with Early Music. Today we will focus in on one CD: ‘Georg Friedrich Händel – Neun Deutsche Arien’, the debut album of Norwegian Baroque Ensemble C4 with countertenor Daniel Sæther.

The arias featured on this CD are from the bundle ‘Neun Deutsche Arien’, HWV 202-210. The arias hold a special place in Handel’s oeuvre, featuring German texts by the Hamburg poet Barthold Heinrich Brockes. Additionally, the CD includes a sonata by Antonio Vivaldi.

The arias are performed by countertenor Daniel Sæther and Ensemble C4, a baroque ensemble from Norwegian. The ensemble consists of three permanent members: countertenor Daniel Sæther, recorderist Caroline Eidsten Dahl and violinist Ingrid Økland.
This CD is their debut.

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)

From “Neun Deutsche Arien”, HWV 202-210:
1. Künft’ger Zeiten eitler Kummel, HWV 202
2. Das Zitternde Glänzen der speilemde Wellen, HWV 203
3. Süsser Blumen Ambraflocken, HWV 204
4. Süsse Stille, Sanfte Quelle, HWV 205

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
5. From ‘Sonata da camera a tre’, RV 63, opus 1: Trio sonata in g minor
– Adagio
– Andante
– Allegro
– Adagio
– Vivace-Allegro-Larghetto
– Allegro-Adagio-Allegro

Georg Friedrich Händel
From “Neun Deutsche Arien”, HWV 202-210:
6. Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise, HWV 206
7. Meine Seele hört im Sehen, HWV 207
8. Die ihr aus dunkeln Grüften, HWV 208
9. In der angenehmen Büschen, HWV 209
10. Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden, HWV 210

Ensemble C4: Daniel Sæther, countertenor. Caroline Eidsten Dahl, recordist. Ingrid Økland, baroque violin. Featuring Kate Hearne, cello. Henrikke G. Rynning, viola da gamba. Jadran Duncomb, lute and theorbo. Christian Kjos, harpsichord and organ.
(CD Georg Friedrich Handel – Neun Deutsche Arien. LAWO Classics LWC 1269, 2024)

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