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Nuove Musiche

New CDs of Early Music. Today we will look at two recently released CDs, both featuring music from the Renaissance era. The first CD is by The London Oratory Schola Cantorum and features motets by Venetian composers. The second CD is by countertenor Alexander Chance and features songs and pieces for lute from England.

The London Oratory Schola Cantorum, a choir consisting of boy’s and men’s voices, is recording a series of CDs for music label Hyperion. Their most recent CD is dedicated to the Venetian Renaissance. The most important composers in Venice at the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century were Giovanni Gabrieli and Claudio Monteverdi.
Their motets are also on this CD, but in addition, motets by composers who have remained in their shadow, such as Giovanni’s uncle Andrea and Giovanni Croce, are also featured.

Giovanni Gabrieli (ca 1554/57-1612)
1. Jubilate Deo omnis terra a 8 (C 136)
2. Beata es, virgo Maria a 6 (C 8)

Andrea Gabrieli (ca 1510-1586)
3. Laetare Jerusalem a 5
4. Maria Magdalene, Maria Jacobi, et Salome a 7

Giovanni Croce (ca 1557-1609)
5. Cantate Domino a 4
6. O sacrum convivium a 4
7. Buccinate in neomenia tuba a 8
The London Oratory Schola Cantorum conducted by Charles Cole
(cd: “Sacred Treasures of Venice” – Hyperion CDA68427, 2024)

The second CD is dedicated to English songs for lute. Such songs were very popular during the Renaissance, and are still often performed today. In this case too, one composer stands out above the others: John Dowland.
A few of his songs are included on a CD by British countertenor Alexander Chance, but he also selected songs by lesser-known contemporaries.


John Dowland (1563-1626)
8. Can she excuse my wrongs?
9. Praeludium
10. I saw my lady weep

Thomas Campion (1567-1620)
11. The cypress curtain of the night
12. Never weather-beaten sail

Thomas Ford (ca. 1580-1648)
13. What then is love?
14. Fair sweet cruel

John Dowland
15. In darkness let me dwell

Alexander Chance, countertenor. Toby Carr, lute
(cd: “Drop not, mine eyes” – Linn Records CKD 711, 2023)

John Dowland
16. Captain Digorie Piper, his Galliard
Toby Carr, lute
(cd: see 8-15)

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