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Nuove Musiche

thu 4 apr 2024 19:00 hrs

Newly released CDs with Early Music. In this episode: ‘Gombert Motets 3’ by beauty farm, and ‘Bach’s piano Silbermann 1749’ by pianist Toby Sermeus.

Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1495-1560)
1. Stabat autem Petrus a 5
2. Respice Domine a 5
3. Tribulatio et angustia a 5
4. Domine si tu es jube a 4

beauty farm
(CD Gombert Motets 3. Fra Bernardo fb 2231711, 2022)


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
5. From Clavierübung, opus 1: Partita V, BWV 829 (1730)
– Preambulum
– Allemande
– Corrente
– Sarabande
– Tempo di menuetto
– Passepied
– Gigue

Toby Sermeus, fortepiano (copy of K. Schwarz from 2013, by G. Silbermann, 1749)
(CD Bach’s piano Silbermann 1749. Et’cetera KTC 1723, 2022)

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