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Nuove Musiche

thu 23 feb 2023 19:00 hrs

New CDs with Early Music. Two new CDs with special instruments: ‘Biber Violin Sonatas’ by Musica Alchemica featuring Lina Tur Bonet on baroque violin and viola d’amore, and ‘Telemann – The Trio Sonatas for Recorder and Viola da Gamba’ by Erik Bosgraaf on recorder and chalumeau.


Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704):
1. Sonata No. 6 in C minor
– (untitled)
– Passacaglia
– (scordatura) (untitled) Adagio
– Gavotte
– Adagio – Allegro – Adagio

From ‘Harmonia Artificioso – Ariosa’ (1696):
2. Partita VII in C minor for 2 violas d’amore
– Praeludium. Grave – Presto

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