New CDs with Early Music. This time the CDs are “Telemann: Suites & Concerto” by Altberg Ensemble conducted by Peter van Heyghen and Mario Sollazzo improvising over well-known pieces on his CD “Diminuzioni all’improvviso”.
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
1. Concerto Polonois in G major, TWV 43:G7
– Dolce
– Allegro
– Largo (Polonaise)
– Allegro
2. Overture in D major, TWV 55:D23
– Overture
– Minuet I and II
– Gavotte
– Plainte-Gavotte
– Sarabande
– Passepied I and II
– Passacaille
– Fanfare
Altberg Ensemble conducted by Peter van Heyghen
(Telemann – Suites & Concerto CD, Dux, Dux1761)
Luca Marenzio (1553-1599)
3. Diminutions on ‘De gli occhi il dolce giro’
Giovanni Alberto Ristori (1692-1753)
4. Three Variations on the Partimento on the tone and its verse
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
5. Prelude and Variations on the Chorale ‘Vater unser in Himmelreich’
Leonardo Leo (1694-1744)
6. Prelude and Fugue on the Partimento in C minor
Carlo Gesualdo (1566 -1613)
7. Diminutions on “Io taceró” from the fourth Madrigal book
Giacomo Gorzanis (1520-1575)
8. Bicinium on “La Turturella”
Mario Sollazzo, harpsichord
(Diminuzioni all’improvviso CD, Novantiqua NA 61)