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Nuove Musiche

mon 18 jan 2021 19:00 hrs

This hour features new CDs with early music. Today: “The Mad Lover” by Théotime Langlois de Swarte and Thomas Dunford.

The young duo’s new CD features music from 17th century England.

Several meaningful encounters inspired the idea for this CD. Firstly, Théotime Langlois’ discovery of Ground by John Eccles for the comedy “The Mad Lover”, which became the title of the CD. When he met Thomas Dunford, their combined improvisations – especially on ostinato bass – lead to these recordings from February 2019.

John Eccles (approx. 1668-1735)
1. Ground from The Mad Lover Suite (Aire V)

Daniel Purcell (approx. 1664-1717)
2. Sonata sesta for violin solo
I Adagio
II Allegro
III Adagio
VI Allegro

Nicola Matteis (approx. 1650-approx.1714)
3. Variations on La Folia (Division on a Ground)
4. Sarabanda Amorosa

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
5. Prelude

Henry Eccles (approx. 1680-approx. 1740)
6. Sonata undecima in G minor
I Grave
II Corrente
III Adagio
IV Vivace

Nicola Matteis
7. Suite in G major
I Preludio
II Musica/Grave
III Sarabande
IV Aria Burlesca
V Capriccio
VI Giga Al Genio Turchesco

Henry Eccles
8. from Sonata quinta in E minor
I Andante
II Corrente
IV Presto
9. A new division upon the ground bass of John come and kiss me

Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violin. Thomas Dunford, lute
(CD The Mad Lover, HMM 902305, 2020)
Special thanks to PIAS / Harmonia Mundi

Young Nicola Matteis (eind 1670-1737)
10. Fantasia in C minor ‘con discretione’
Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violin. Thomas Dunford, lute
(CD The Mad Lover, HMM 902305, 2020)

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