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Nuove Musiche

mon 12 oct 2020 19:00 hrs

This hour features new CDs with early music. Today, two new CDs: ‘Reinhard Keiser – Theatralische Music’ of Capella Orlandi Bremen and ‘Giuseppe Sammartini – Sonatas for recorder and bc’ of recorder player Andreas Böhlen.

Reinhard Keiser (1674-1739)
1. “L’Occaso di Titone all’Aurora Oriente”, cantata for mezzo-soprano and basso continuo (Divertimenti serenissimi, 1713)

2. Grave – Presto – Entrée (theatre music)

3. “Mi lasci dunque”, cantata for mezzo-soprano, viola and basso continuo (L’inganno fedele, 1714)

Reinhard Keiser (1674-1739)
4. Aria andante (theatre music)

5. “Benche sempre crudel”, cantata for mezzo-soprano, oboe d’amore and basso continuo

Olivia Vermeulen, mezzo-soprano. Capella Orlandi Bremen conducted by Thomas Ihlenfeld
(CD Reinhard Keiser – Theatralische Music. CPO 555 060-2)

Giuseppe Sammartini (1695-1750)
6. Sonta à Flauto solo, e Basso in G minor (Parma No.10)
– Adagio
– Allegro
– Largo
– Allegro

7. Sinfonia à Flauto solo, e Basso in F major (Parma No.6)
– Allegro
– Andante
– Allegro

Andreas Böhlen, recorder. Michael Hell, harpsichord. Daniel Rosin, baroque cello. Pietro Prosser, lute
(CD Giuseppe Sammartini – Sonatas for recorder and bc. Aeolus AE 10306)

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