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Nuove Musiche

mon 23 mar 2020 19:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music.

Two CDs with music about the Passion of Christ: ‘Lamentationes’ by New York Polyphony and ‘Graupner – Das Leiden Jesu Passion Cantatas III’ by Ex Tempore and Barockorchester Mannheimer Hofkapelle led by Florian Heyerick.

Francisco de Penalosa (1470-1528)
1. Lamentationes Jeremiae Feria V
Pedro de Escobar (1465-na 1535)
2. Stabat mater dolorosa
Francisco de Penalosa
3. Lamentationes Jeremiae Feria VI
4. Sancta Maria, succurre miseris
New York Polyphony
(cd Lamentationes, BIS-2407 SACD, 2019)

Christoph Graupner (1683-1760)
5. Kantate “Kommt, Seelen, seid in Andacht stille” / “Die erbauliche Anschickung unsers Erlösers zu seinem letzten Leiden”
Ex Tempore and Barockorchester Mannheimer Hofkapelle led by Florian Heyerick
(cd Christoph Graupner – Das Leiden Jesu Passion Cantatas III, CPO 555 230-2, 2019)

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