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Nuove Musiche

mon 2 mar 2020 19:00 hrs

This hour features new, special CDs with early music.

The CD ‘Le Grand Siècle de l’orgue Liégeois’ by organist Luc Ponet and ‘Codex Chantilly III’ by Tetraktys.

1. Prealudium Quarti Toni (British Museum Manuscript, 1618)

Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)
2. Magnificat Quarti toni (Tongeren Orgaan manuscript)

Luc Ponet, organ. Schola Gregoriana Feminea led by Jan Peeters

Hubert Renotte (1694-1745)
3. Suite en quatre pièces:
– Allegro
– Pastorella
– Duo
– Fuga à deux

Luc Ponet, organ.
(CD Le Grand Siècle de l’orgue Liégeois. Etcetera KTC1638)

Baude Cordier (approx. 1380–before 1440)
4. Belle Bonne Sage, rondeaux

Trebor (late 14th century)
5. Passerose de beauté, ballade

Tetraktys featuring Leandro Marziotte, countertenor. Julia von Landsberg, soprano

Solage (between approx. 1340-1400)
6. Le mont Aon de trace, ballad

Tetraktys met Zsuzsi Tóth, soprano
(CD Codex Chantilly III. Etcetera KTC 1917, 2019)

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