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Nuove Musiche

mon 26 may 2014 18:00 hrs

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. The debut CD of Dutch countertenor Oscar Verhaar is called ‘Morte Dolce’ and contains 17th-century songs by Constantijn Huygens and Italian composers.

Constantijn Huygens’ Italian songs are the main part of this debut CD by young Dutch countertenor Oscar Verhaar.
These songs are placed next to the works of Huygens’ Italian examples like Caccini and Monteverdi, so that you can clearly hear how his style compares to the Italian one.
1. Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687), lyrics: G. Marino (1596-1625)
– Morte dolce
2. Sigismondo d’India (ca.1582-1629), lyrics: Petrarca (1304-1374)
– Tutto il dì piango
3. Constantijn Huygens, lyrics: G. Marino
– Caccia amorosa
4. G. G. Kapsberger (1580-1651)
– Dove mi lasci
5. Luigi Rossi (1597-1653)
– Anime, voi che sete
6. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
– Ecco di dolci raggi
7. G. G. Kapsberger – Toccata I
8. Constantijn Huygens – Con la candida man
9. Claudio Monteverdi – Si dolce è’l tormento
10. G. Caccini (1551-1618), lyrics: P.C. Hooft (1581-1647)
– Kraft met smeeckende geluijen (after Amarilli, mia bella)
11. G. P. Berti (ca.1590-1638)
– Dialogo con gl’occhi
12. Constantijn Huygens, lyrics: G. Marino
– Neo di bel volto
13. G. G. Kapsberger – Toccata 7
14. G. G. Kapsberger, lyrics: B. Guarini (1538-1612)
– Interotte speranze
15. C. Saracini (ca.1586-1630), lyrics: G. Marino
– Morte dolce
16. Constantijn Huygens – Va, donna ingrata
17. Guilio Caccini – Io che dal ciel cader
Constantijn Huygens
18. (Serenata)
19. (Risposta dala finestra)
20. Domenico Mazzochi (1592-1665) – Contro Amore
Oscar Verhaar, countertenor. Michiel Niessen, lute
Label number: Quintone Q 14001, 2014

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