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Musicians Corner

mon 12 jan 2015 22:00 hrs
Composers: Jan Mul | Jan Mulder

Guest Katherina Rijcken-Bornefeld reveals her favorite music. Rerun of August 11, 2013.

Since 1984 drummer Katherina Rijcken-Bornefeld has been a part of de Ex. The name of the band was contributory to the small amount of letters, that can be sprayed on a wall quite fast and easily with graffiti. The music is fresh and experimental,not always easy and alway in development. Noise, Rock, Jazz, Improvisation and ethnic music melted together under one name: Ex music. Meanwhile this band performed at concerts and festivals in the Netherlands and the rest of Western Europe and also many countries in Eastern Europe like Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Lithuania, Turkey and in the US, Canada, Lebanon, Brazil, Egypt and Ethiopia. In the course of time De Ex played together with a large amount of musicians and other artists, like cellist Tom Cora, cartoonist Kamagurka and Herr Seele, the Instant Composerspool, the Malinese kora player Djibril Diabate, Danswerkplaats Amsterdam, theatre group Alex d’Electrique, the Eritrean singer Tsehaytu Beraki, writer and ex soccer player Jan Mulder and a large number of other musicians from all over the world, like the in the meantime almost 75 year old Ethiopian saxophone player Getatchew Mekuria. De Ex was founded in 1979, exists for almost 35 years, performed 1699 times, of which 1119 time abroad and 580 times in the Netherlands and released 139 singles, records, CDs and DVDs.
Engineer: Michiel van Garling

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